Getting Ready for College

Mar 8, 2013 College Prep 0 6378 Views


It’s junior year of high school and college is around the corner. Here’s what the Collegeboard recommends you should be doing in the month of February:

1) Begin Preparing for the SAT: You can take a free full-length official practice test that produces a score and skills report. Learn which skills you need to improve. Be sure to sign up for The Official SAT Question of the Day™ for daily practice.

2) Schedule your Spring Testing: It’s a good idea to take SAT subject tests now while information is still fresh and you are taking SAT relevant classes. Once students begin taking AP classes which are geared more towards college credit, the less fresh SAT subjects tend to be. It’s also recommended to take the SAT® exam in your junior year rather than waiting till senior year.

You can take either the SAT® or up to three SAT Subject Tests™on one test day. Plan your testing schedule carefully if you want to take both, and register for two separate test dates.

Click here for the: SAT®  schedule of test dates and register online for the SAT.



I am sure I don’t have to tell you that the pressure is mounting as the end of the school year quickly approaches.  If you haven’t taken the ACT or SAT, now is the time to sign up!  Give yourself 3-4 weeks of preparation time.

Building your resume of activities, achievements, occupations, and recognitions is necessary for college applications.  Choose a teacher to write your rec letters.  Think about what you have found interesting or profitable in the last 18 years of your life so you can research the colleges that appeal to you.

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