Summer is a great break, but studies say you lose a lot!

May 25, 2013 Summer Learning 1 7482 Views

According to the National Summer Learning Association  it is estimated that students lose almost 3 months of learning during a 2.5 month break from school!  Don’t let your student get behind due to learning loss.  They work so hard during the school year, a little review over the Summer months can really enforce their understanding.  Check out what Rhodes Scholar Tutoring is offering students in Austin, Tx for 2013.

Click below to see all the new things we have to offer, including:

Saxophone, Guitar, Piano, Harmonica, Drums, Art, Computer, and SAT Prep

Summer program 2013

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One comment for "Summer is a great break, but studies say you lose a lot!"

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Posted on Monday 3rd June, 2013, 6:31am

nice and thanks.

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